In the air around us follows the renegotiation of a mother-child bond. We reflect both separately and together upon remembering, growing in tandem, maternal lineage and its ongoing ripples. In March of 2021, my mum expressed regrets about not learning more about her own mother’s life. I’d already been wanting to make something together - a reason to ask questions and, in time, understand each other more. The project started from there: initially with calls, notes, drawings and letters sent between Bristol and Rouen, later with images.
Around the same time, I found out that my parents would be moving from the house I’d grown up in within the year. Bathed in pre-emptive nostalgia, our home became another character in the series: one connected to mum, who spent most of her time there; the backdrop of our lives together. The year spent photographing was a time for reflection and taking stock. We’ve strived to be more honest, to take things out from under the rug and discuss them, carving out a space for closeness, patience and compassion. These images are traces of conversations and days spent together, of how we shaped that space and how our time there has shaped us - they allow me to revisit those memories and find new meaning each time.